Many people around Scotland regularly organise dances either as fundraising activities or as a regular club dance; and these frequently take the form of a Ceilidh. Some RSCDS Branches also organise Ceilidh dance classes where the basic common dances are taught and provide an excellent introduction to Scottish dance. Elsewhere in the UK Ceilidh dances are also fairly common, although the dances taught may vary slightly from the typical mix found north of the border in Scotland.
Many RSCDS classes also use the occasional Ceilidh and Old Time dances as warm-up dances for a Scottish Country Dance class.
If you keep a look out and search for Ceilidh dances in the area where you live then you will find information about what is on and where the venue is located.
Additional information about Ceilidh classes and Ceilidh dance events in Scotland can be found on the dance diary web site:
One of the joys of Ceilidh dancing is that it is very accessible to people of all ages as it is easy to pick up the basics, making it highly enjoyable with minimal tuition. You never know it, might also open a door to ‘wanting to learn more’ and lead to a lifetime of discovering the fun of dancing Scottish.